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7 Advantages of sport on health

7 Advantages of sport on health

7 Advantages of sport on health

The benefits of sport are legion! Indeed, physical activity makes you feel good in your body and your head, while having fun. But how often do you play sports? A 30-minute exercise routine per day is ideal for a healthy lifestyle. But, note that if you have to / want to lose weight or achieve specific goals, you will need to train more, at home or at gym.

The benefits of sport

lose weight

1. Moving allows you to control your weight

Physical activity is essential against overweight and obesity! Why? When you train, you burn calories. And, the greater the intensity of physical activity, the more calories you burn​

Health sport

2. Sport prevents diseases and health problems

It stimulates high density lipoprotein (HDL) and lowers the level of triglyceride, the main constituent of fat. Physical activity improves blood circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease. In fact, regular exercise helps prevent health problems such as strokes, metabolic problems, heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, depression, different types of cancer and arthritis.

happy sport

3. Exercise makes you happy

Stimulating various brain chemicals, the sport makes you happier and calmer. In addition, sport positively influences self-confidence. Thus, if you train regularly, you will feel better in your body, but also in your head.

more energy

4. Sport increases your energy level

It strengthens your muscles and improves your stamina. Thanks to the sport, you oxygenate your muscles and your heart more, which allows your cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. And, if your heart and lungs work better, you'll have more energy.

sleep sport

5. Physical exercise improves sleep

Practicing physical activity less than 4 hours before bedtime increases the total sleep time, decreases the duration of night awakenings (WASO) and only slightly increases the latency of falling asleep.

sex sport

6. Physical activity improves sex life.

It gives you more energy and has a real positive effect on your sex life. In addition, sports activates sexual arousal in women and is an effective stimulant. In addition, men who move a lot have less risk of erectile dysfunction.

sport fun

7. Playing sports is fun.

Indeed, physical exercise is a fun way to spend your time. It gives you the opportunity to do what you love or just relax. Playing sports with friends or family is a real source of fun and allows you to enjoy your social life.

Exercise should be part of your habits. Register in the gym and stick to your good resolutions! You will feel good in your body … and in your head ! 

Here is an example of fitness exercises.

Tips: Before starting a new training program, consult a doctor.

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