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The 9 Best Glutes Exercises

The 9 Best Glutes Exercises

The 9 Best Glutes Exercises

Want more toned and shapely glutes? Selection of the best exercises to practice to show a muscular buttocks. 

No need to go to the gym or invest in sports equipment to sculpt your buttocks firm and rounded. Overview of the most effective movements to make your buttocks work.

1 – Squats, the great classic

Made very popular by social networks and by fitness gurus, squat is the ultimate exercise to sculpt your steel glutes. This involves mimicking the movement you make when you sit on a chair, and getting up instantly.

It is designed to work the muscles of the legs such as adductors, quadriceps, internal and external right muscles and especially small, medium and large buttocks. A combination of the most effective to refine your legs while strengthening your glutes. 

Squats - Glutes workout

The movement

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Inhale by slowly bending the thighs, lowering the pelvis to the knees, pushing it backwards. Exhale when returning to home position. Repeat three sets of 20 movements. Be careful to keep your back straight, and press your body weight on your heels. To top up the exercise, you can arm yourself with a Kettlebell, weight or even a strength training elastic.  

2 – Donkey kicks to tone your lower body

The donkey kick is a perfectly complementary movement of the squats since it will solicit the great buttocks, making us work one leg after the other. Ideal when you feel muscle fatigue during your workout.

To get results quickly, you have to work the movement three times a week.

Donkey-Kicks - Glutes workout

The movement

Lean on your hands and knees, then stretch back a knee bent 90 degrees while inhaling. Stop the movement when the raised thigh is aligned with the bust. Exhale down the leg, without placing the knee on the ground, and start the movement again. Repeat 3 sets of 12 very slow repetitions, alternating with other strength training exercises like the front lunges. Avoid bending your back during the exercise, this would reduce its effectiveness. 

3 – Front lunges to strengthen and lift your glutes

The front lunges allow to strengthen the quadriceps, the big buttocks and the hamstrings (muscles located at the back of the thighs): of which gives back some curve to the buttocks while toning its legs.

For more effectiveness, do not hesitate to sheath your abdominal and lumbar muscles, which allows you to have more stability. We also think of looking straight ahead, setting a point if necessary. 

lunges - Glutes workout

The movement

Start with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Place one foot in front of the other so that the front leg can be bent 90 degrees and the knee floor at the back is close. Get up by pushing on the rear leg to return to the starting position. Perform the exercise on the other leg, or perform all series for that leg in a row.

Renew the movement in 3 sets of 15 repetitions. The important thing is to keep your back straight, and to move slowly. Exercise can be difficult with the help of a fitness band that is stuck in the centre under your front foot, and the ends of which are pulled upwards.  

4 – The bridge to firm the abdominal-gluteal area

Ideal to work simultaneously the abs, glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings, this exercise requires a lot of rigor. It must be carried out very slowly and accurately to obtain optimum results.

The longer the time spent with the raised bust, the more effective the exercise. However, you can start by holding 20 seconds, then gradually increase the installation time. The goal is to gain endurance, and to succeed in doing more and more repetitions over time. 

hip Thrusts - Glutes Workout

The movement

Lie down on your back, raise your knees and place your arms flat along the chest. Very slowly, lift the bust by leaning on your legs, and contracting both buttocks and abs. Hold the position for about 40 seconds and then slowly exhale deeply. Reproduce the gesture in 3 sets of 15 repetitions, interspersed with about twenty seconds of recovery. 

5 – Fire Hydrant to sculpt your silhouette

Just like the donkey kick exercise, fire hydrant makes it possible to work one leg after the other: very useful in case of a slight stroke of fatigue. It allows to work the inner and outer muscles of the thighs, as well as the small and medium buttocks.

Beginners can start with 3 sessions of 10 repetitions. The more experienced athletes can go up to 4 sets of 20 repetitions.

Fire Hydrant - Glutes Workout

The movement

The exercise of fire hydrant consists in getting on all fours and raising a knee, which is kept bent, 90 degrees on the side until it is aligned with the hip. Be sure to keep the head aligned with the bust, staring at the ground, to avoid stiffness in the neck. To intensify the movement a little, do not hesitate to contract the abs.  

6 – The Hip Abduction to shape its curves

This exercise solicits the small and medium buttocks, which are on the side of the basin. The more we work with them, the more it helps to give definition to the top of our glutes – which gives them this curved side.  

hip Abduction - glutes workout

The movement

Lie down on the side, with one arm holding your head, and the other folded in front of you, leaning on the ground. The workout consists of raising the upper leg without bending the knee and keeping the buttocks well contracted. Lower the leg very slowly while exhaling.

Repeat the movement without resting your leg on the ground. Leave for 3 sessions of 15 repetitions. Too easy for you? We place a fitness resistance band at the ankles.

7 – The Barbell Hip Thrust

Hip Thrust unfortunately a rather poorly understood exercise that offers powerful benefits, especially when it comes to training weak upper buttocks and decompressing hip flexors. 

Some studies even suggest that they are superior to squats. If you’ve never done a hip survey, here’s how to control it.

barbell Hip-Thrusts - Glutes Workout

The movement

Start sitting on the floor with your back against a bench and your feet firmly in front of you, and have a loaded and padded bar on your legs. Roll the bar so that it sits directly above your hips. Keep your knees stable, raise the bar by extending your hips vertically.

The rest of your body must remain motionless. If possible, lift until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Tighten your buttocks tightly in the upper position. Slowly lower your body and repeat the movement.

Checkout: Kas Glute

8 – Stiff-Leg Deadlift – Powerful Glutes

This powerful movement is perfect for building great strength and muscle mass in the lower body and it can help you improve your back health and accelerate overall muscle development. Since it seriously engages the glutes, the hamstrings, the archers of the spine, and the deep muscles of the spine, it is practically an essential exercise to sculpt powerful glutes.

Checkout: Mastering The Deadlift

The movement

Grab a bar on the ground, hands shoulder-width apart, and straighten yourself. Keep your knees slightly bent and still, lower the bar as low as you can by folding to the waist while keeping your back straight. Don’t let your lower back bend. Pause at the bottom, then return to the starting position.

9 – Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian Split Squat is one of those classic and multifunctional exercises that should be part of any lower body workout, as its benefits are virtually unlimited. This split variation effectively targets all areas of the glutes while engaging the thighs, calves and adductors.

bulgarian split squat - glutes workout

The movement

The Bulgarian Split Squats consists in making a front split with the raised rear foot. He solicits very strongly quadriceps and glutes…

Practice in a wider position to put maximum emphasis on the buttocks. And, go as low as possible, or until your back knee almost touches the ground and your front thigh is parallel to it.

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