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CrossFit program for beginners

CrossFit program for beginners

CrossFit program for beginners

What is a WOD

WODs from CrossFit are the initials for “Workout Of The Day“. This is the work of the day: a mix of functional movements constantly varied at high intensity (load more or less heavy, chained quickly).

However this type of effort was found well before the appearance of CrossFit, especially in athletics or physical preparation for fighters. It is not a question of entering into the eternal debate new practices / old practices but to pay attention to the fact that mixtures of movements practiced with high intensity can be interesting for sportsmen other than CrossFitters. This mixing motion is called “MetCon” for Metabolic Conditioner. We will come back to it.

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Build a Crossfit session

A WOD is not necessarily the whole session A WOD does not prevent technical work, force or gymnastics. Here we do not escape the fundamentals of physical preparation: strength and technique are not achieved by progression and repetition. This work is even necessary for progression to WOD’s.

What CrossFitters are looking for is to be good at WODs. That’s why max strength does not occupy 80% of their training time, because the very purpose of the activity is not to develop only its max strength. There is also a need for training in gymnastics and weightlifting.

A typical CrossFit session

A session can classically be composed as follows:

A / Technical work (ex: weightlifting)

B / Forced labor / power (eg heavy squat)

C / Work of gym (ex: figures with the rings, routine with the parallettes …)

D / MetCon Of course the four sequences are not imperative, it will be a question of modulating according to your form of the day, and especially of the contents of each sequence.

However, this simple schema will allow many to navigate, CrossFitters or not. But what is that for ? Let’s remember the word INTENSITY.

Indeed, only the intensity allows certain adaptations: muscular development (strength, power), economy of the metabolic processes (by the improvement of the enzymatic activity, the increase of the number of mitochondria, the thickening of the cardiac muscle, etc. …), improvement of energy reserves …

Not to mention the psychological effects and the recognized benefit on many diseases (type I diabetes, obesity, risk of heart and vascular accident …). We see here that ALL benefit from a high-intensity work that a MetCon can offer.

to know more about CrossFit, visit official website.

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