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Cold Or Hot Shower For Workout Recovery

Cold Or Hot Shower For Workout Recovery

Cold Or Hot Shower For Workout Recovery

Cold Or Hot Shower for Workout Recovery is One of the hottest topics among gym enthusiasts. And what temperature your post-workout bath or shower should be is the hottest question often asked by newbies.

Advocates of hot soak typically talk about relaxing and loosening up the muscles post-workout. At the same time, fans of ice baths often bring up the apparent lactic-acid-flushing benefits of getting cold.

Is Showering Beneficial After Workouts

Undoubtedly, showering after a workout is generally beneficial because it can help clean your skin, preventing the build-up of dirt and bacteria that can arise if sweat lingers. As for workout recovery, some experts believe showers may help relieve muscle tension because of their effects on blood flow.

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So, what does science have to say on the subject? Let’s take a look.

Cold Shower

The earlier studies failed to prove that cold water treatment helped relieve Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). These include A 2007 and 2013 studies published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology.

While a 2012 study found cold water immersion seemed to have some effect in fighting DOMS compared to more passive interventions. Finally, a 2015 study found that cold, applied immediately after exercise, was more effective than heat at reducing DOMS.

Interestingly, there’s some evidence that cold water immersion may improve immune function.

Hot Shower

2011 study found that moist heat was more effective than other heat treatments tested for treating DOMS in people with diabetes. Some studies have shown that heat treatment may increase growth hormone production while reducing stress in test subjects.

The Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine found in A study published in 2017 that cold might be better for reducing swelling, while heat applied over a long time (eight hours) was very effective at reducing soreness. Also, applying heat had the added benefits of increasing tissue flexibility and blood flow.

Should You Take a Cold Or Hot Shower After Workout

The data isn’t very clear on the effects of cold or hot showers following Stretching and workouts, with some studies finding significant DOMS relieving effects for each and others finding no significant effects at all.

However, cold water exposure may have broad health benefits — such as strengthening immunity in the long run. While hot water may reduce stress hormone concentrations and improve recovery by increasing certain anabolic hormones.

As both hot and cold water seems to have some potential benefits, contrast showers might be an ideal compromise. Indeed, some research points to contrast showers helping with recovery in various ways.

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