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What to eat after cardio training

What to eat after cardio training

What to eat after cardio training

Cardiovascular training, often known as cardio, is perhaps the most well-known kind of training. Every single person that has ever practiced some form of physical activity has done cardio training, so it’s quite surprising how many people know very little about pre and aftercare when doing cardio.

Because cardio training elevates the heart rate and burns a great number of calories, cardio is often thought of as the activity you have to do in order to lose weight. As we have established before, weight loss and any other kind of physical changes are achieved from both the kitchen and the gym.

Most people will find that eating something after doing cardio is counterintuitive. Why would you fill up your body with calories that you just burned?!

Truth is, having a snack after cardio training is necessary to maximize the positive benefits of the training you just finished.

What should I eat after cardio?

There are two things that work perfectly for after-cardio snacks: Carbs and proteins.


The body’s fuel, will help you replenish your glycogen levels, refilling you with the energy you just burned. You need carbs after cardio because they will help your body to keep moving.


The body’s building blocks will help your muscles restore stronger and bigger, but they will also make you feel satisfied.

“After cardio hunger” is something that many people experience after cardio training. You need protein to ease that hunger and avoid filling you up with the wrong snacks.

Please check out our blog “18 Protein Meals“, which will help you select a protein diet for you.

After cardio snack ideas

Now that you know the macronutrients you need to reach out for, we will leave you some ideas of what you can prepare to have your snack or meal ready. Remember that some of these snacks are best for certain moments of the day, adjust the portions and the timing to your own exercise schedule.

Greek yogurt and fruits

Greek yoghurt

Greek yogurt is one of the best sources of protein out there, and it’s extremely versatile. You can prepare a bowl of yogurt, fruits and granola and have a filling breakfast perfect for those that like to do cardio while fasting, but you can also have just a cup of the same combination as mid-morning or mid-evening snack.

Whey protein

Whey protein

One of the most common post-workout options, whey protein can be used in a ton of ways, not only in shakes. You can amp up the amount of protein in a fruit smoothie by adding one scoop of whey protein, or mix it up with chia, yogurt or avocado to create a healthy pudding. However, you choose to use it, it will help you recover and keep you satisfied up until your next meal.

How to choose whey protein?

Tuna Sandwich

Tuna sandwich

Another great option for those who exercise before breakfast, a sandwich made from 100% whole wheat bread, tuna and your favorite vegetables will ease your hunger and replenish you with nutrients and energy. You can even use a little bit of greek yogurt as a healthy substitute for mayo!

Homemade trail mix

homemade trail mix

A snack that’s easy to carry on, homemade trail mix is the best option, as you can control the ratio of nuts, seeds and dried fruit, and control the sourcing of those ingredients.

Protein bars

Protein bars

Make sure to check out the nutritional info so you know they’re not packed with too much sugar, or you can even make your own at home and control the ratio of ingredients.



Okay, technically it isn’t a snack but it is necessary to accompany any kind of post-workout care with water. Hydrate yourself to help increase muscle flexibility and decrease muscle soreness.

To get more information, check out our article on pre-workout snacks

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