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Apple + Fitness Postpartum Women

Apple + Fitness Postpartum Women

Apple + Fitness Postpartum Women

Any new parent can tell you two things about exercising after having a child: it can make you feel great, and it’s really hard to accomplish with a new baby. But, sometimes, technology can make things a little bit easier. “Get Back to Fitness After Having a Baby” is a new workout program launched by Apple Fitness + for those moms who recently had a baby.

Who Led These Workout Programs?

The workout program launched in Apple Fitness + app is led by Betina Gozo, a Fitness+ trainer and new mom. The new program features two fellow Fitness+ trainers and moms, Marimba Gold-Watts and Jonelle Lewis, alongside Gozo to demonstrate user modifications based on activity and energy levels.

What Includes In The Postpartum Women’s Program?

Full Body Session

The program’s strength workouts include upper, lower, and full-body sessions. No worries about the equipment, as each requires one dumbbell or zero equipment. The core workouts focus on breathing, gentle movements, and pelvic floor work, which is important during and after pregnancy.

Workout Clips

The workouts are all just 10 minutes long and easy to pause and return to as needed, two features that any new mom can appreciate. The bite-sized clips are ideal for squeezing in a quick exercise session whenever you have time, and you can do one at a time or stack multiple workouts together for a longer session.

These 10-minute workouts are designed with postpartum parents in mind to help them feel stronger and more energetic. Because they’re certainly going to need all the strength and energy they can get for the next 18.

Each program also includes workout modifications in order to accommodate a range of abilities. So, whether you maintained a regular exercise regimen during pregnancy or want to take it nice and slow on account of your recent C-section, the trainers have got you covered.

Stretches And Meditations

Finally, during the mindful cool-downs, you can expect stretches and meditations that are tailored to new parents, dealing with topics such as patience and self-care.

Is It Safe To Join Such Workouts?

You should touch base with your health care provider before starting a new exercise regimen, especially after having a baby. However, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, it’s usually safe to head back to the gym, mat, or track within a few days or weeks after delivery, and the potential benefits.

Further, Apple Fitness+ worked with experts to ensure the new program was safe and effective. It collaborated with Apple’s health team, which includes gynecologists, cardiologists, physical therapists, and other specialists.


The new program is available on the Apple Fitness+ app on the Apple Watch on iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. It includes core, strength, and mindful cool-down workouts.

How To Access

To access the program, you’ll need to subscribe to Apple Fitness+. If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up for $10 per month, with one month free if you own an Apple Watch. You can take advantage of a relative’s subscription since Apple allows users to share their accounts with up to five family members.

If you’ve been hoping to ease your way back into fitness after having a baby, the app’s new workouts were created with you in mind.

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