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How To Burn Chest Fat

How To Burn Chest Fat

How To Burn Chest Fat

The chest muscles are essential for lifting, pushing, and controlling arm movements. However, excess fat can still develop in this area of the body, and some people may wonder how they can burn it.

It is impossible to lose fat just from one specific body area, such as the chest. Due to genetic variations, different people tend to gain and lose fat more quickly in certain body areas. However, building muscle in the chest can help tone the area.

Losing Fat Without Maintaining Muscle

Losing fat without maintaining lean muscle is a surefire way to end up ‘skinny-fat’. Essentially people who do this end up getting slim, without the hard muscle to look good. Rather than looking like a Greek statue cut in granite, they look like something sculpted from butter.

Also, Check out our article “Inner Chest Workout” for burning chest fat.

What To Do For Burning Chest Fat

However, if you make sure to keep your muscle on point, you are guaranteed to end up looking Greek Statue. Imagine it like peeling away the layers of body fat to reveal a strong, powerful, and ripped physique.

It is a combination of three activities that ensure chest fat burning and shape your chest, which may be a dream for many. These three activities are:

  •   ♦  Diet
  •   ♦  Resistance training
  •   ♦  Sleep

Together, these three things can help fix or reverse any damage done. And when done properly, they work together to support optimal fat loss while maintaining and shaping lean muscle mass.

Findyourgym.ae helps you find the best gyms in Dubai for burning your chest fat.

Let us take a look at these activities.


Many diets for weight loss are available, but as diets work differently for everyone, there is no single best diet for burning your chest fat. Intermittent fasting and caloric restriction are popular diet plans for burning fat. They involve taking periodic breaks from eating or limiting the intake of calories on certain days.

General dietary tips for managing chest fat include:

  •   ♦  Eating plenty of vegetables.
  •   ♦  Avoiding highly processed foods
  •   ♦  No sugary foods and drinks.
  •   ♦  Include protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthful fats.
  •   ♦  Limiting alcohol intake.

Resistance Training

Research has shown that resistance training is incredible for scorching body fat. Heavy compound lifting crushes calories like nothing else because they recruit so many muscle groups. For a better insight into how you can use compound lifts to burn chest fat, check out our “5 Best Exercises For Weight Loss and Fat Burning” ultimate guide.

Another reason that resistance training goes hand in hand with fat loss is hormones. Gripping and ripping a barbell ignite some hormonal secretes inside men that are proven to boost testosterone. Studies have indicated that weight training, especially at high intensities, can cause testosterone production to skyrocket, resulting in chest fat burning.

Some of the exercises that can enhance the fat burning from your chest are:

  •   ♦  The Incline Push-Up
  •   ♦  Bench Presses
  •   ♦  Dumbbell Presses
  •   ♦  The Overhead
  •   ♦  Barbell Exercise


Now both your diet and training are on lock, and you have to fix that lifestyle. Because, after all, it doesn’t matter how well you eat or move if you have bad bedtime habits.

Studies indicate that a lack of sleep is a surefire way to lower your testosterone while simultaneously making you tired and hungrier throughout the day. Some research even suggests that a lack of sleep can cause obesity and loss of lean muscle mass – not good if you’re trying to craft a shaped chest.

So, make sure to get between seven to eight hours of quality sleep every night. If you tend to be active on social media, try to ditch screens an hour before bed and practice some mindfulness.

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