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Barbell Exercises

Barbell Exercises

Barbell Exercises

6 Essential Barbell Exercises To Get Stronger

The secret behind getting strong is to Pick suitable barbell exercises. The barbell is your best friend when it comes to efficiently build strength and size. No other equipment allows such dramatic improvements in overall strength. Start using a weight you’re comfortable with, increase the load every week and watch your numbers fly up. Follow the steps mentioned in these exercises to build strength fast.

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When you are in strength training, the barbell is the best tool; nothing else comes close. Barbell exercises are the ultimate for strength, muscle mass, fat loss, and power. That’s because you can load up the barbell with more weight than dumbbells. The barbell can also be used in various ways — you can squat, press, load it on your back or your front, and even jump with it.

There are so many exercises available today that knowing which to focus on if you’re new to using barbells can be overwhelming. Below, we outline the best barbell exercises to add to your training exercises

Conventional Barbell Deadlift

Step 1: Place feet under the barbell shoulder-width apart and step forward, so the bar grazes shins.

Step 2:  Hinge forward at the hips and push glutes back, then grip the barbell, so forearms touch the outsides of thighs. Align shoulders over the bar and retract shoulder blades to activate back muscles. Inhale.

Step 3:  Exhale, push through heels and use glutes and hamstrings to stand up. Keep the barbell close to your body and stack your shoulders directly over your hips.

Step 4:  Push hips back and bend knees to return to starting position, keeping shoulders over the bar the entire time. That’s one rep.

Do 8 to 12 reps.

Barbell Push Press

Step 1:  Set the bar just below shoulder height on a rack. Step up to the bar, feet shoulder-width apart and toes turned slightly out.

Step 2:  Grasp the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, palms facing up, and elbows facing the floor. Unrack the bar, resting it on the collarbone.

Step 3: Push hips back and bend knees to enter into a slight squat. Keep core engaged. Inhale.

Step 4:  Look straight ahead. Then in one swift movement, exhale, vigorously press through heels, straighten legs to stand up, and straighten arms to press the barbell overhead. Biceps should frame ears at the top of the movement. Keep knees soft.

Step 5: In a slow, controlled manner, lower the weight back to the shoulders to return to the starting position. That’s one rep.

Do 8 to 12 reps.

Barbell Glute Bridge

Step 1: Sit on the floor in front of a bench with legs extended. Place the bar over the thighs.

Step 2: Lift hips and lean back onto the bench. Rest shoulder blades on the bench, bend knees, plant heels firmly on the floor, and look toward the ceiling. Position the bar over hip joints and rest hands on the bar for stability. Inhale.

Step 3: Exhale and push through heels to lift hips to the ceiling, forming a straight line from knees to shoulders. Squeeze glutes at the top of the movement.

Step 4: In a controlled manner, return to starting position. That’s one rep.

Do 8 to 12 reps.

Check out our blog “Kas Glute” for a better understanding of the difference between Barbell Glute and Kas Glute.

Barbell Front Squat

Step 1: Set the bar just below shoulder height on a rack. Grasp the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, elbows pointing forward, triceps parallel with the floor, and palms facing up. Rest the bar on the collarbone.

Step 2: Straighten legs and step back to unrack the bar. Hold the weight on the collarbone (not in your hands). Place feet shoulder-width apart and turn toes slightly out to start.

Step 3: Brace core, inhale and push hips back. Bend knees and lower down until thighs are parallel or almost parallel to the floor. Keep glutes and core engaged and weight in heels.

Step 4:  Exhale and push through heels to return to standing. That’s one rep.

Do 8 to 12 reps.

Barbell Bent-Over Row

Step 1: Stand behind a barbell resting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart and under the barbell. Bend knees and push hips back. Grip the barbell with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Inhale.

Step 2: Exhale and push through heels to stand up, keeping back straight until legs are extended and torso is upright.

Step 3:  Hinge at the hips, bring the chest forward, and push glutes back. Shoulders should be in line with the bar and back straight. Lower the barbell until it is below the knees to start.

Step 4:  Exhale and use mid-back to pull the bar up and back to the lower chest, guided by elbows. Squeeze shoulder blades at the top of the movement.

Step 5: Lower the barbell to return to the starting position in a slow, controlled manner. That’s one rep.

Do 8 to 12 reps.

Barbell Bench Press

Step 1: Lie faceup on a bench with shoulders beneath the bar. Place hands shoulder-width apart on the bar, palms facing away from the body, and feet flat on the floor.

Step 2: Straighten arms to unrack the bar. Hover the bar above the chest without letting it drift forward or backward to start. Exhale.

Step 3: Inhale, and in a controlled manner, use chest muscles to lower the bar and gently tap the lower chest, bringing elbows down past the bench. (Do not let the bar bounce off the body.)

Step 4: Exhale and straighten arms to return to starting position. That’s one rep.

Do 8 to 12 reps.

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