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How long you really need to hold a plank

How long you really need to hold a plank

How long you really need to hold a plank

Plank is a type of exercise that is used in almost any workout. When performed correctly, the plank activates not only your core but also your shoulder and leg muscles. It can also help you develop strength and endurance. Just a couple of minutes a day – and your body will become strong and toned.

We’ve prepared a small guide on how to properly perform this exercise for maximum efficiency.

Why is plank so popular?

The plank in one form or another is used in almost any workout, from yoga to strength training.

Core strengthening is an important part of any training program. A strong and durable core not only looks good but also helps to balance and support the body during any other activity. It can help to reduce stress on joints and improve posture.

Although the exercise is more suitable for building strength than for cardio, due to its use of several muscles, it slightly increases fat burning. The energy expenditure depends on your weight and how long you hold the plank. In addition, the plank is quite a simple exercise that does not require additional equipment, so it is very easy to incorporate it into any workout.

Common mistakes to avoid

While doing plank it is important to avoid these mistakes to get the most out of the exercise.

Arching your back

Arching your back causes you to move the weight center from your abs to your arms. Make sure you keep your body straight.

Lowering your hips

As soon as you feel your abs get tired this is a sign that it’s time to finish the exercise. If your hips seem to sag at the beginning of an exercise, try spreading your legs a little wider and focusing on your abs.

Raising your head up

Your neck and head should be in line with your spine and not lifted as this can lead to neck strain. You should look at the floor.

How long do you need to hold the plank?

You have probably heard or come across many different options for how long you need to do this exercise: 30 seconds, two minutes, or maybe as long as possible?

There is no specific time that anyone needs to hold the plank.

A person can stand for as long as he can if he is in the right position. Someone can hold for 8 minutes, and it’s hard for someone to hold even for 20 seconds. Start with a short period, and then increase it by 5-20 seconds every time to increase your muscle endurance and come to the duration that is ideal for you and will be productive.

Set a goal – to reach up to 2 minutes in the classic plank. After, you can move on to different variations of the exercise.

The benefits of plank

The plank is a very popular exercise. It is included in various training programs. It has many benefits:

  • – The plank helps to strengthen not only the abdominal muscles but also the lower back, arms, legs and buttocks.

  • – Helps reduce stress and back pain, which is very important for office workers.

  • – Accelerates your metabolism and you burn more calories.

  • – Is safe for joints and the spine.

  • – Helps to have a good posture.

  • – It has a positive effect on the abdomen organs.

  • – Plus you can practice at home, outside or at the gym.


Plank for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight by doing the plank exercise? The answer is not so clear. Of course, the plank is useful for muscle strengthening and a tight belly corset is important for having a beautiful figure. But in fat burning, the plank cannot be compared, for example, with cycling or other cardio workouts

For weight loss, the plank can only be called effective as part of a full workout.

Some plank exercices ideas

Exercises from Christina Carlyle, click on the image to visit her website.

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