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Benefits of running

Benefits of running

Benefits of running

Running is the most accessible and useful form of exercise. And the most natural one. We start running since early childhood. And running doesn’t require special equipment or a special place like a gym to practice. A park and suitable clothing are enough. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of running and the effects one can achieve.

What is the best age to start running?

We start running immediately after we learn to stand on our feet. Running is man’s most natural sport. If your child enjoys running, run with him to develop this useful habit in him.

It’s never too late to start running. The main thing is your health state. For some people running is contraindicated, while for others it is welcomed. That’s why it is very important to consult a doctor before starting to run.

What goals does running help to achieve?

People who start running have defined goals. The majority runs to improve their physical and mental health, get a toned body, or lose weight. Some people just enjoy the process. In any case, to achieve your goals, you need to run properly follow the basic techniques in order not to harm yourself.

Benefits of running

Most people who are doing sports necessarily devote time to running. Running is a whole-body workout and it makes all the main muscle groups work. A large amount of energy is consumed while running and it leads to weight loss, muscle strengthening and a fit body.

best age to start running

But running is also very good for health and this is the main purpose. It strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which helps to prevent heart and lung diseases.

Running changes the biochemical composition of the blood, which helps to prevent oxygen starvation and reduce the risk of cancer. Running has a positive effect on heart health. It stimulates metabolism and contributes to many other important processes in the body.

Most people lead a sedentary lifestyle at the computer. This leads to circulatory disorders, obesity, spine and joint diseases. Jogging can shake up all the systems of the body because almost every muscle, joint and ligament is involved in this activity. Here are some of the key benefits of running:

Fast heart rate

This accelerates the blood flow which carries oxygen to organs and tissues and nourishes them.

Excessive sweating

Toxins and slags are removed from the body together with sweat.

Increases metabolism

Running helps to speed up your metabolism. This is especially useful for those who want to lose weight through running. Proper nutrition and training will accelerate the fat-burning process.

Improvement of the cardiovascular system

The heart consists of elastic muscle tissue that can be strengthened by slow running. The vessels are also cleansed, which leads to the shrinking of cholesterol plaques.

Endorphin release

People who practice running mention that after practicing their mood is improved, their working capacity and endurance is increased.

Strengthening the immune system

People practice running not only in warm but also on cold days in winter and autumn. This makes the immune system more resistant to viruses and bacteria.

Development of self-control

Regular practice develops habits, discipline and sets the daily routine.

An ideal place for running is a park or stadium. Do not run near busy roads. Vehicle exhaust can have a negative impact on your health.

There is a stereotype that it is better to run in the morning, but this is not true. It all depends on your preference. You need to decide on the most comfortable time of the day for you and start training.

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