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5-Minute Renegade and Row Workout

5-Minute Renegade and Row Workout

5-Minute Renegade and Row Workout

The “5 Minutes of Hell” video series is a workout program designed to push individuals to their physical limits in a short period of time. The workout session is an EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) style that combines renegade rows and rowing on a machine to push your cardio limits.

What Are Renegade Rows?

Renegade rows are a type of exercise that targets the back, glutes, and abs and are performed by getting into a pushup position on the floor with weights in each hand, squeezing the back to row the weight up to the chest, then placing it back on the floor, and repeating the process. This workout requires a rowing machine, and good form is crucial to ensure maximum benefit and avoid injury.

5-Minute Renegade & Row Workout

The workout consists of five minutes of intense exercise broken down into five one-minute rounds. In each round, the individual must perform three renegade rows followed by rowing on a machine until they hit a specific calorie target. The calorie target increases by one each round, starting at eight and ending at twelve.

How To Perform

  • »  Get into a pushup position on the floor, with your hands gripping a weight on each hand.
  • »  Squeeze your back to row the weight up to your chest using your right hand, and place it back on the floor.
  • »  Repeat the process of rowing with your left hand
  • »  Follow the reps with a pushup
  • »  Complete the above steps three times
  • »  Then hit the rowing machine and row until you reach your calories target
  • »  Drive with the legs and pull with the back during the rowing process
  • »  Each row stroke targets your glutes, mid back, and abs
  • »  Once you’re done with the rows, rest until the top of the next minute.

Minute 1

Complete three repetitions of the renegade rows exercise, then continue to use the rowing machine until you burn eight calories.

Minute 2

For the second minute, perform three repetitions of the renegade rows exercise, then continue to use the rowing machine until you burn nine calories.

Minute 3

In the third minute, execute three repetitions of the renegade rows exercise, then use the rowing machine until you burn ten calories.

Minute 4

During the fourth minute, carry out three repetitions of the renegade rows exercise, then continue to use the rowing machine until you burn 11 calories.

Minute 5

For the fifth and final minute, perform three repetitions of the renegade rows exercise, then use the rowing machine until you burn 12 calories.

Findyourgym.ae can help you find the ideal environment and guidance for this training; choose Gym near me.

The workout is challenging, but you are advised to adjust the calorie target to your fitness level. The workout is intense and will leave you sweating and panting, but it is an effective way to push your limits and improve your overall fitness.

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