Looking for a Boxing club in Ajman ? To find clubs in your neighbourhood or around your workplace, use the MAP or SEARCH engine, up. Or check clubs list below.
All regular practitioners will say it is one of the most complete sports disciplines. Among combat sports, rare are those who do as much body work as boxing. Boxing help you to draw your muscles, improve your cardio and carve your body.
Findyourgym.ae helps you to find the best Boxing club for you in Ajman. We have collected all information on each club : pictures, schedules, reviews, prices, group classes, facilities… So you can find much more easily the club that suits you. Sometimes, gym can propose martial arts or boxing classes.
You can benefit from our 1-day free trial sessions to try a club before committing yourself.
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- Ajman
- 50 - 200 AED
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Al Rashidiya
The number one community fitness gym in Ajman. Infinity Ladies Health Fitness Club in Ajman is known for high-quality standards in facilities, equipment, high-end coaches, and well-trained staff.