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How To Keep Ankles Strong

How To Keep Ankles Strong

How To Keep Ankles Strong

It is nothing to mention that your ankles and their components work as the foundation of your body. Undoubtedly you won’t be able to maintain balance for long without having a strong infrastructure. Your body’s foundation ─ ankles correlate directly with your ability to balance, and lacking ankle strength could be why you find it hard to balance.

Besides the correlation with balance, your ankle joints must be strong to prevent specific injuries. For example, if you build up your ankle strength, you are less likely to experience a sprained or rolled ankle. Even if you experience a sprain, it will be much less severe when your ankle is strong.

Proper workouts maintain your overall body strength, and Findyourgym.ae helps you find a gym near me to keep you strong.

Probable Causes Of Weak Ankles

Apart from a genetic disorder, several reasons can cause weak ankles. For strong ankles, you must avoid these physical conditions that are listed below:


Many injuries can cause ankles to weaken. It could include an accident related to certain sports, like soccer, volleyball, or basketball, or an accidental fall.

Improperly Fitted Footwear

Weak ankles could also be caused by wearing the wrong footwear for your activity. Such non-fitted footwear puts uncomfortable pressure on the ankles, and practicing it long can weaken them.


Sometimes, it’s just the by-product of getting older and the joints wearing out a bit.


Excessive weight can cause natural wear and tear on your feet and ankles. Studies show that Obese people have greater chances of ankles weakness than those at a healthy weight.

Personal training at the gym can help you get rid of obesity and findyourgym.ae help you to choose the best gyms in Dubai.


Those with obesity concerns are often at higher risk for developing type 1 or 2 diabetes; obesity is the leading risk factor for type 2. If not managed properly, high blood glucose levels can result in neuropathy or damage to the nerves in the extremities. Such a condition can cause weak ankles, poor coordination, more falls, injuries, and even fractures.

Whatever the cause of your weakened ankles, your primary goal is to restore their strength. After all, ankles are an immensely important part of your body regarding stability and building strength.

Thankfully, exercises are specifically designed to strengthen your ankles and improve your overall balance.

Single-leg Balance

  •   »  Stand up with legs directly under your body or as they feel best naturally.
  •   »  Shift your weight from both feet onto one foot.
  •   »  Hold for a few seconds at least, adding time as you improve.
  •   »  Switch legs and repeat.


Practice the exercise once a day.

Single-Leg Balance with Movement

  •   »  Stand up with your legs directly under your body as they feel the most natural.
  •   »  Shift your body weight from both feet onto just one foot.
  •   »  Lift the leg without weight on it off the floor slowly.
  •   »  Instead of keeping your lifted leg still, like the single-leg balance mentioned above, move your leg.
  •   »  Swing it back behind your body and then in front, bend your knee and lift it towards your waist and then back down.


Use a chair for added support if you are unsteady because of the movement.

Toe-Heel Walking

  •   »  Stand up.
  •   »  Shift your body weight to the back of your feet.
  •   »  Make sure the front part of your foot is elevated off the floor.
  •   »  Balance on your heels, then walk.
  •   »  Keep this up for a few seconds, at least between breaks. Aim for 8 sets of 15 to 20 seconds with 20 seconds of rest.
  •   »  Transfer your body weight to your toes.
  •   »  Begin walking on your toes.
  •   »  Keep this up for a few seconds, at least between breaks.


Try to complete this routine twice a day.

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